We all had a good time at Christmas. The White Elephant exchange was great. Erik got the Scorpion Jewelry Collection this year. Wendell put marshmallow guns in as his gift. Let's just say that a marshmallow war broke out. Charlotte and Aaron had quite the battle! Speaking of guns, Wendell bought me a semi-auto pistol for my present and I couldn't be happier. It is a perfect fit for my hand. We went shooting on the river Christmas Day and I think I impressed him and Aaron with my aim :-) I have never been afraid of being alone if I have a "metal friend" with me.
We almost had electricity at the dairy! Jeremy finished the work required by the first inspector on Tuesday. The next inspector came out on Christmas Eve and found a silly detail that the first inspector had failed to tell us about. Well, he could have overlooked it and turned it on for us ... But, NO! We have one more detail that he wants finished. So, now it looks like it will be Monday before we have electricity. Just enough time to get our Nubian girls on the property by the first of the year.
It has been raining quite a bit here lately. The dairy house has no leaks. This is very good news. The barn does have a few, but we had expected that. The place is draining well, no standing water anywhere. The sandy soil does help with that.
Well, time to get back to work. The goats are hungry!