I just had to share this picture of Arvilla. She is the sweetest goat we have. She may have a wry nose, and she is missing some baby teeth, but we love her so much. I didn't know that goats lose their baby teeth 2 at a time each year. Next year she will lose the teeth next to the ones missing and so on. Thanks to my friend Kathryn Heininger for that little tidbit. Kathryn is my goat mentor and I always learn a thing or two from her when we visit.
The lack of posts lately tells the story. We are so busy! Since our grandson was born, we have all been working overtime here. Cruz keeps all of us hopping :-) We are so close to getting the cheese up for sale. It just seems that every time you think you are done, some other hoop needs jumped through. We are now waiting for the dairy inspector to calibrate our pasteurizer.
The goats are doing well in spite of the heat. Wendell and Erik are finishing the construction. I am milking and feeding the little ones. David Lee is our clean up guy. What ever job needs done, he is on that duty. Lately he has been helping me in the barn doing the wash up after milking among other chores. It is so nice to have him back from his summer tour! His band was gone for six weeks. They went as far north as Maine and as far south as Miami, FL with stops all along the way. It's just great to have him back safe and sound.