Sunday, March 15, 2009

Dean Dairy

Jack arrived early yesterday to help us transport the rest of the bunch. We finally have all of our animals in one location. My high school buddy, Kathy, helped us sort and move the goats. It really helps to have extra hands when you are herding! Thanks Jack and Kathy. Erik and Wendell are still fine tuning the pens. Erik bought a welder and has been hard at it ever since. He is even getting people at Cirkle K asking him to do side jobs because he hauls it around so much.
We are headed to Maricopa today to pick up another addition to the farm. Bobbie Milsom ( has another girl for us. Her name is Bell and she is already milking. This is a big, pretty white doe and already giving almost a gallon a day and only being milked once a day. When we bump her up to two times a day she will give even more. Thanks for another great girl Bobbie!