Monday, December 8, 2008
Tamale Time
Whew! What a weekend. Wendell, Aaron, Erik, Dixon and Matthew all worked so hard at the dairy this weekend. They did the demo work on the barn and it is now ready to be restored. There were a couple of injuries. Erik lost a piece of his finger, Aaron got a deep puncture wound and Wendell cut his head cut when a piece of metal that fell on him. Aaron needed a stitch or two, but of course made his own butterfly bandage and finally got it to stop bleeding after several hours. After working all day Saturday, the boys took time out to go to see the AZ Cardinals wrap up the playoff spot in their division for the first time since 1975! They had a great time at the game.
The rest of us ... my mom, my sisters, my daughters, my best friends, etc., spent the weekend making our traditional Christmas Tamales! No makeup allowed! Lots of Mimosas and Bloody Marys helped make it as much fun as the boy's Cardinals game :-) We made Red Chile and Green Corn varieties this year. When we were finished we had made 45 dozen!
Special thanks to Liz, Diana's mom, for the tips on mixing the lard. Saved us at least an hour by melting it first.

Wendell and I are off to Albuquerque tomorrow to help his brother (Kenny) and his wife (Kathy) move back to Phoenix. We will only be gone 2 days so I am sure the kids can hold down the fort for us!