All I want for Christmas is electricity! Until then, Aaron and Wendell installed our wood stove in the family room today. We now have heat. Also, we got the bed set up in the "formerly-orange" room. Still hauling water so we can use the loo. It is still very primitive at the dairy. It makes me really appreciate my hot bath when I get back to the Jackrabbit house!
I was talking to my nephew, John, this morning. He has a marking issue with his Standard Poodle, Larry. Seems as though he is upset by the addition of Sophie (3 lb Yorkie mix) and Maizie (5 lb Chihuahua) and has decided to mark all over the house. He was wondering if we might need a new addition to the dairy pack of dogs. I told him if he gets along with Luna (100 lb Great Pyrenees) that we can use him to guard our farm. I really hope he works out. I think he would love guarding a few acres. We will put him to work! Here is a picture of John and his youngest son, Seth, on the cow train. 
Sure hope we have Christmas lights at the farm this week. If not, we will definitely have a Christmas bonfire in the new fire ring.