I wish you could have seen the rodeo we had getting them in the pen tonight. There were 3 women (me, Teri and Kayla), 3 goats and 3 dogs. Well, I should have thought ahead and put up the dogs! The goats were not too happy that the dogs were there even though they have always been around dogs. I guess they weren't introduced properly. So, to make a long story short, Teri and I ended up on the ground trying to keep them separated. We both will feel the bruises tomorrow :-) Thank goodness Erik heard the commotion and came over. Finally, the humans now outnumbered the goats and we got them settled in their new enclosure. Erik then headed over to the dairy to feed the goats over there and to help Wendell with more cleaning. They will be working very late tonight. I am going to take a hot bath and wash the rodeo off of me!