We had a Super Bowl party combined with a celebration for Wendell's birthday (1/28). Lots of friends and family were here. Of course we are all bummed that the Cardinals lost. They sure gave the Steelers a run for their money. That game will go down as one of the best Super Bowls ever! However, the biggest surprise came at halftime and had nothing to do with football. My niece, Lexi, and granddaughter, Lexia, came into the house saying a goat just pushed out a baby! I couldn't believe it, but they were right. I ran outside to find a wet baby and the proud mom. Isabelle had kidded a little early. I had just checked them all a few hours earlier and I did not think that I would be holding a beautiful little doeling that afternoon. Since the girls found her, we named her Lexi after them. The ears on this little girl are so long! We dipped her navel, milked mom, heat treated the colostrum, fed her 7 oz and put her in my room in a dog kennel. She weighed in at 8 lbs 5 oz. and is just so cute!Thanks to Marie for taking the pictures. I owe you for thinking about them -- as I was thinking about everything but pictures :-) Well, I better get some sleep before the midnight feeding ...