Today is Wendell's sister's birthday (aka one of my best friends). Woo hoo! Hope she has a great one. The bad part is that she is 2300 miles away in North Carolina. I am sure she wishes that Star Trek technology existed. The kind where you can pop from one place to another in a matter of seconds. I would definitely be headed to see her this morning if it did! So, I will have to pretend to have coffee with her on her deck overlooking the pond.
We are waiting for our cheese equipment to arrive from the Netherlands. It can't come fast enough because the girls are really getting heavy with kids. Mammaries are starting to fill!
We went to the AZ Farming and Ranching Hall of Fame dinner last night. Mildred & Norman Hale and Gertie & Bill Hickman were inducted. It was so good to see so many of our farmer friends. Later we went to a birthday party for our dear friend Art Ortiz. He had a DJ and we all danced, laughed and ate menudo. It was so good to get a break from all of the work we have been doing lately.