Arvilla started into labor about 5:00 in the morning. I thought I would go about my chores and keep a close eye on her. Well, a couple of hours later, all I was seeing was one foot. Not good. I scrubbed up and went in to feel what was going on. The kid had one leg down and his head and other leg were in the birth canal. This means he is stuck at the shoulders. I tried to push his head back enough to get my hand past the pelvis and pull up the other leg. I have to do this slowly especially since she is a first-freshener. I finally was able to retrieve the leg and after that a 6 pound 12 ounce buckling, Z22, slid out with ease. I was drying him off and looked back at Arvilla only to see that she had popped out a 6 pound 5 ounce doeling, Z23, without missing a beat. I quickly grabbed her up out of the goo and dried her off. All are doing well. Arvilla's udder has a lot to be desired, but if she can put it in the milk tank we will keep her around. So far, so good.