Monday, December 21, 2009
Valley Fever
Well, I wish she didn't, but Luna has Valley Fever :-( Poor thing will be on meds for at least one year. She has a horrible cough and is getting thin. The vet thinks that she will recover. I am hoping for the best outcome!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Good and Bad
D & K Trucking are delivering crushed asphalt to cover all driving areas! So much going on with new restaurants and resorts placing orders. That's the good.
Our LGD Luna has to go to the vet. She is pretty sick. That's the bad.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Facebook | Home
Facebook Home: "I think my house will be lucky if we drag a pine branch from our tree into a the living room Christmas Eve and throw a star on it ;-)" We have just been so busy. Can't wait until I have the time to update you on our STORM experiences and the wonderful people that helped us out! Right now we are trying to catch up after being out of electricity for 24 hours ... post more later.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Facebook | Rhonda Watkins Crow
Facebook Rhonda Watkins Crow: "Rhonda Watkins Crow Got the goat barn loaded with straw! We are supposed to have our first freeze tonight. I will be looking for my Carhartt overalls for tomorrow morning!"
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
One Year Old

Life has changed dramatically for all of us. Wendell and I now have different social groups
that neither knows the other! I have online goat friends that I learn so much from and feel as I "know" them. Wendell has his farmers market group and the chefs. He is busy again with the public and he loves this. So many of "our" teachers running up to him for a hug :-) Of course, he loves it. I hope to meet some of his friends when we open to the public on Saturdays sometime after the first of the year. We are on the doorstep of a press release. Zoning is all signed off and waiting for the final approval!
We are so busy! As I sit here, updating the blog, I know that I should hurry as the does are waiting. In fact, Wendell just came in and gave me the "look" so I KNOW it is time to go.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Cheese Judging at the AZ State Fair
I was honored to be asked to be a judge at this year's Goat Cheese Competition at the fair. They had twice as many entries as last year. The only thing missing was a doggie bag to take some of the entries home with me! Debbie Emholtz of Jacob's Pride made a goat milk cajeta that I absolutely loved. Could have sat and eaten the whole jar right there! The cajeta was almost as sweet as Debbie :-) She and her husband are some of the nicest people. Two of our does are from her breeding program. Anyway, another hit was the pesto pine nut chevre. Sandy Van Ecko (spelling?) made that and it was amazing. She also made a desert cheese that was made with walnuts and cherries. Mmmmmmm. Now, if I can just get those recipes from them! Congratulations to both on their blue ribbons.
Farm markets have been doing great! We are at quite a few during the week. Check out our updated website for more info ...
Well, time to go milk the does and hang my chevre.
Monday, November 2, 2009
David Lee

Our youngest son, David Lee, has always loved to hang out with animals. I found this picture a few days ago. It really brought back some "goat" memories. The goat kid in this picture is out of our goat that was named Eclipse. She was a dairy goat that we bought and she would never raise her own kids. It was because of Eclipse -- and a couple of her friends -- that I became a very good hand milker. David would feed the kids afterward. Now, he is my main feeder for all of our animals. I appreciate him so much! Hard work is in his blood. In the current picture you can still see he loves his girls! Ha ha! Arvilla is his favorite and the other one that is staring at him is Charlotte.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Comet's Dam Does It Again!

Noel ~ 4 Time National Top Ten Milker
SG Six M Galaxy Nova's Sonia Noel 10*M 2008 Nubian National Top Ten
#4 in milk, #5 in protein
2007 Nubian National Top Ten
#10 in milk
2006 Nubian National Top Ten#1 in milk, #5 in protein2005 Nubian National Top Ten#3 in milk, #9 in butterfat, and #1 in protein (tie)2009 USDA Elite Doe ~ 99th Percentile
2008 USDA Elite Doe ~ 99th Percentile
2007 USDA Elite Doe ~ 99th Percentile
2006 USDA Elite Doe ~ 99th Percentile
2005 USDA Elite Doe ~ 99th Percentile
Linear AppraisalAge 2 V V V V 85Age 3 V E E V 89Age 4 E E E V 91DHIR01-11 304 2970 124 11202-11 305 3680 143 123 (ext. 316 3730 145 126)03-11 305 4030 163 141 (ext. 363 4390 178 158)05-02 305 3400 117 118 (complete)06-01 287 3450 120 118 (complete)
07-00 116 1950 63 64 (in progress)
LIFETIME 1691 19890 747 696
Sire: SG +*B Six-M-Galaxy Poseys BF Nova Dam: SG Six-M-Galaxy Pistachio's Sonia 9*M
Farmers Market

Our first official family/friend customer was Pam Boettcher Bray. She and Wendell went to Underdown Junior High together and we were all classmates at Tolleson High School when it was just one school and not a district. However, Pam hasn't stayed in the West Valley. Wendell went all the way to a market in Ahwatukee for this sale. She also became our first return customer at the same market this past weekend. I think she really liked it because this time she bought a pound instead of 4 ounces!
Thanks go to her and ALL of our friends and family that have become an integral part of this business. Being in the Valley of the Sun for 5 generations has its perks. I have a picture of my great grandparents (must scan and post) with their favorite Holstein cow in Buckeye taken in 1930. They had moved from Chandler to a piece of land in Buckeye where they homesteaded some property not that far from where our dairy is today! Seems like we are related to everyone here. Because of that we have lots of wonderful promoters out there. Many of them are on facebook, too. Happy to say that we are selling out at the markets. Sometimes with 2 or 3 hours of market time left all of the product is gone!
The 'girls' are finally paying their feed bill :-)
A lot of you have been asking so many questions. I must apologize for the lack of communication here, on the web site and on facebook. Erik and I are doing our best to keep you in touch. We have just so many hats to wear. The fact is that we are still waiting to do any press releases until we get our ag exempt status approved. Yet one more hop through the LEGAL hoops. I am a rules girl though and we are doing things the right way!
Currently, we are in the last month or two of the application process and things are moving right along. Then, and only then, can we install our perimeter fencing that we have to have before we can have on-farm sales. Right now we are having a heck of a time just keeping Luna contained. When she sees a coyote or such, she somehow wiggles right through the goat's feeder. She is very people friendly though. Luna just does her job very well. No dog, coyote, bobcat or other critter is allowed near her charges. In fact, she even chases birds away. Though frustrating, she is really an amazing dog. Just smart enough to get out when she feels the goats are threatened.
Keep an eye out for Wendell, Erik, David, Charlotte and Becky at the Farmers Markets. Erik does a good job at keeping those we will be attending posted on our facebook page. I really hope they see some more of you there. I, on the other hand, will be in the barn milking or in "Johnny Crow's Kitchen" making the cheese. Text me!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Back from North Carolina

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
First Retail Feta

Monday, September 7, 2009
Our cheese will be on a menu soon!
The next step has been taken. We have now sold cheese to our first customers! Our cheese will be available on the menu at Calistro California Bistro 18221 N. Pima Rd. in Scottsdale . Or, you can purchase it at Cheuvront Restaurant and Wine Bar 1326 N. Central in Phoenix and also at The Meat Shop 202 E. Buckeye Rd. in Phoenix
Monday, August 31, 2009
Facebook | Your Photos - Cheese Studio
Facebook Your Photos - Cheese Studio: "8 photosEdit PhotosOrganize PhotosAdd More Photos"
Facebook | Crow's Dairy
Facebook Crow's Dairy: "Praise God! A huge thanks to everyone for their prayers, labor, time, talents and love! We can't begin to list the family and friends that have supported and helped us get to this point."

We had our final inspection this morning and we are now a lisenced dairy in AZ! The inspector said, "Looks first-class" and "One of the nicest setups" that he has seen.
We have had many challenges and are finally glad to see the fruits of our labor. Thank God for this wonderful opportunity to do what we love for a living :-)
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Smile and the world smiles with you!

I just had to share this picture of Arvilla. She is the sweetest goat we have. She may have a wry nose, and she is missing some baby teeth, but we love her so much. I didn't know that goats lose their baby teeth 2 at a time each year. Next year she will lose the teeth next to the ones missing and so on. Thanks to my friend Kathryn Heininger for that little tidbit. Kathryn is my goat mentor and I always learn a thing or two from her when we visit.
The lack of posts lately tells the story. We are so busy! Since our grandson was born, we have all been working overtime here. Cruz keeps all of us hopping :-) We are so close to getting the cheese up for sale. It just seems that every time you think you are done, some other hoop needs jumped through. We are now waiting for the dairy inspector to calibrate our pasteurizer.
The goats are doing well in spite of the heat. Wendell and Erik are finishing the construction. I am milking and feeding the little ones. David Lee is our clean up guy. What ever job needs done, he is on that duty. Lately he has been helping me in the barn doing the wash up after milking among other chores. It is so nice to have him back from his summer tour! His band was gone for six weeks. They went as far north as Maine and as far south as Miami, FL with stops all along the way. It's just great to have him back safe and sound.
Monday, June 22, 2009
First visit to the dairy

The newest goat farmer in town. Well, it only took him 12 days to come to the farm :-) This is our newest grandson, Cruz. He slept through most of his visit to our house today. We are so excited to have a new milker coming up and Mary and Erik are so proud of this little guy (as are we)! Just had to share the latest pic of our new grandKID!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Kids of a different kind

I am going to post about some of the new "kids" that have been born to friends and family this year. The first one being Haley Jewel. This picture says it all. You can really see true love in the eyes of Haley and Grandma Gaye. We spent most of last summer in Montrose, CO caring for a dear friend that was losing his long battle with cancer. Through him we have become very close with some of the most wonderful people. Doug & Gaye, Tim & Amber, Tyler, Marilyn, Verna, Walter ... just to name a few. When Jack was close to the end, Tim and Amber found out that they were expecting. It was such a bittersweet time in their lives. Losing their Uncle Jack and finding out they were to be blessed with a new life. This baby would have been the apple of her Uncle Jack's eye! Oh, how I wish he could have seen this future Cover Girl. I miss Montrose!
Little Mike

Well, Natalie's little premie, Z36, is now a regular kid! We have been calling him Mike. He is bouncing around like all of the other kids now. Here is his picture. He is 2 weeks old and the size of most newborns. He is going to a 4H home today. I have really become attached to this guy. He was disbudded last night and did great. Bye Mike!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Sneaky Sharon

Sharon is one of those goats that likes her own kind better than the human kind. She was raised just like the others were but is her own goat! I check the ligaments by a doe's tailbone two or three times daily when the time gets near. It has been a great indicator and I have caught most of the girls within 12 hours of kidding. Sharon, stinker that she is, didn't make it easy to do the checks. I usually would have to get Wendell to help me and he is so busy. So ... we found Z39 in the doe pen. She had hidden her birth even from Luna! He was still gooey and wet when Wendell went to fix a fence near her hiding place. Sharon is an excellent mom! She was cleaning him like nobody's business. She loves her baby buckling. He is black and white with a white snip on his nose just like his mom. He weighed 7 lb 10 oz and is very heatlthy. Sharon is not as crazy in the barn as I had expected. She's only had one milking so far that was a little bit of a rodeo.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Barbara Helps the Doe Ratio

I pulled Barbara from the doe pen last night. She looked like her udder would explode and she was showing other signs the time was near. About 4 this morning I was convinced we would be having morning babies. Then she was still the same after milking. She was arching her back and straining while standing. Sometimes they will do this when a kid isn't lined up right. So, after a few more pushes that were going nowhere, I discovered only one leg and one head in the birth canal. After a little rearranging -- a 6.1# black and white roan doeling came out with a bit of help. Shortly after followed another 6.3# black and white doeling. Both were trying to stand within minutes. I fed them colostrum, Vitamin E, B12 and weighed them. The two are doing great. The roan girl looks so gray already. We are going to call her Gertie. The other one is Teri. I now have 21 to milk twice daily with 8 does left to kid.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Anniversary #28
Friday, June 12, 2009
Cruz Control!

Okay! Okay! I have been so busy that I have not even blogged about Z37! HA HA! Not really, this kid's our new grandson. I will finally sit down and take the time to blog about Mary having her baby. Talk about a dream pregnancy/delivery/healthy baby experience. She even looked gorgeous after delivery. Cruz Ryan Hernandez is now part of the Crow Clan. He weighed 6 pounds 14 ounces, 19-1/4" born at 7:44 am on June 9th, 2009. His APGAR was 9/9. What a healthy little baby -- and all this at three weeks premature! We are so blessed. Mary's water broke a bit after 11pm the night before and we all headed to Good Sam. After a few hours, Wendell had to get back to milk. Mary wanted me with her during delivery so I got out of the milking chore! Wendell was still milking when Mary delivered Cruz (four contractions) and I called Wendell as he was making his way into this world. Wendell could hear everything and since we didn't know the sex of the baby it made it even more exciting! He heard Mary say "It's a boy!" and then heard his first cries. It was perfect. We are so happy for Mary and Erik.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Finally Standing

Natalie's little guy stood up on his own today! I am moving his odds up to 90/10 now to make it. When he was first born it was touch and go. I thought he had a 40/60 chance to live. So small and weak. I have been getting up at midnight to feed him and checking to make sure he is breathing before I go to the trouble of warming some milk. Usually, I have the milk on to warm before I realize I am awake. All of the moms out there know what I mean ;-) And, with healthy kids you don't need to do the toileting thing. I am so glad he can stand now because I won't have to be changing his paper towel diapers that I would make for him. Woo hoo!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
The Nubian Intensive Care Unit has a new patient. Z36 was born a week premature and is doing fairly well considering that. Natalie kidded with little effort when she had the 4-1/2 lb singleton buckling. He has markings just like dad and is so cute. I am feeding him once every three or four hours and since he can't stand yet (getting close though), I have to also do all of the toileting for him -- not my favorite part of the job. I have him in the back room of the dairy house where the scorpions are.
Yes, the scorpions. Wendell and David are collecting the ones we find in a terrarium. These are not Bark Scorpions (because I would have killed those by now) but the less
venomous Giant Desert Hairy. They are ten times bigger, twice as creepy, but not nearly as dangerous. The guys all chase down bugs to feed them since I am not, I repeat, am not going to be responsible for them. Ewww! My next animal will be Guinea Fowl! They love to eat scorps!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
More Juice!

Friday, May 22, 2009
Monica goes home!!!
We received a phone call in response to the Lost and Found ad that we had placed in the newspaper. The lady said that they had been missing their 8 year-old daughter's poodle for over three months. She had wandered away when she was in season. The description she gave matched the little white poodle that Wendell had rescued. This dog was supposed to be very friendly. This was not our experience with her. So, they told me her name was Monica. It was dark when I went out to the kennel where we were keeping her. I called out her name and it was the FIRST time that she ever came to me. It had to be her because we had been trying and trying to get her to come. They came and picked her up the next day. We were all very happy to see her find her owners. A real Lady and the Tramp story. If we could only find "Watson's" owners now. He is still hanging around here. Gets along great with the kitties so we will keep looking for his family. Wendell jokes that he will still be here 12 years from now!
Monday, May 18, 2009
No More Tangles!

Wendell called me on the cell the other day and said that he had tracked down two stray dogs and was on the way home with them. He told me they looked like they had been lost for a very long time. When I saw them I knew he was right. The poor Poodle/Maltese/? mixes were a matted mess! It took Wendell, Becky and I three hours of scissoring to remove their matts. Now granted, we are not dog groomers, but I am sure that this was one of the BEST groomings they have ever had. We have put an ad in the paper's lost and found section and posters around the area. I hope that we can find their owner. It looks like each of them has had a broken leg that healed wrong. Probably from being hit by a car during their ordeal. So sad!
On a happier note ... The 50 baby chicks that I ordered arrived at the post office this morning. We have cheep cheeps again :-) We also have two new kittens. Lexia named them Teeter and Totter. They are brothers and aren't exactly lap kitties yet. One bit me! They were found feral when they were small. So, with a little goat milk and patience, I am sure they will be great rodent chasers. Watch out ground squirrels, T and T will be on the prowl soon.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Thanks to Johnny, I can milk after sundown!
Wow, have we been busy! My lack of posts tell the story. My nephew, Johnny, got lights to work in the holding pen. Yes! He worked so hard up there on the ladder. I really appreciate all that he did. I can finally get rid of my extension cord and lamp to see at night. This helps so much when I go out to check everyone in the evening. We have so much family support and feel so blessed. Thanks also to Alan and Teri for lunch at Raul and Theresa's. It was a much needed break and we enjoyed it very much.
Wendell is painting the final coat on the inside of the barn today. Will try and get some pics up soon of the improvement. It looks soooo good.
Still a few days until the next kid is due. Wendell is headed to Snowflake to visit David and Kathryn this weekend. Taking some stuff up. Maybe he will bring me a new doe home :-)
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Our Secret Lake

Whew! It has been so nice to have a break from kidding. We even took time to hop on the Ranger and ride about a mile to what we call the Secret Lake. Actually, it is an area where the Gila River backs up to a very wide spot. Wendell and I have lived in the area our entire lives but never knew you could go to the "lake" out here. People boat, fish and such on this body of water. It's our new place to go to hang out and just enjoy watching all of the birds and wildlife there. The sunset was much prettier than the picture. Arizona has the best sunsets!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Jerry makes it look easy

Ah, Jerry. She is our biggest goat and lucky for her that she is! We saw her going into labor just before milking Sunday morning. I wasn't happy with her timing since I had to be in Casa Grande for my grandson Luke's 4th birthday party that afternoon. We put her into the kidding pen and finished the chores. It was close to 10:00 am when we were done and still no babies. I had told Wendell he would have to stay behind with her if she didn't get the show on the road. By 11:00 she had given birth to Z33, a black doeling weighing 6 pounds 12 ounces, Z34, a brown doeling weighing 8 pounds 4 ounces and Z35, a brown buckling that weighed 9 pounds 8 ounces. What big triplets! That's about 24 pounds of babies that she had. And, just in time for me to hit the road to Casa Grande. Jerry is a professional in the milk barn and does her job well :-)
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Spots of a different color for Carol

Our goat, Carol, is named after Wendell's sister. She is a "redhead" with white spots, or "freckles" if you will. I knew that she was starting to stray from the rest of the goats and hang out alone. I looked for other signs that were more significant, but there were none. Her udder was still small and no discharge, pawing at the ground, etc. So, I went in the house after morning chores and did some bookkeeping. It was around lunchtime for the kids so I warmed the milk and went outside to feed. When I got to the gate there was a little doe kid standing there by Carol (and Luna -- of course) staring at me - Z32. She was still wet and had not eaten yet. I called for Wendell and he brought her to the kidding pen. We didn't know if there was another to follow or not as Carol is in very good condition. We milked her hoping that would stimulate contractions but only the placenta followed pushing. That was it for her. Just one 6.6# brown doeling with black spots on her rump. We named her Taylor. She is quite spunky and is doing great.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Motherhood for Cindy

Cindy has always been a velcro doe. She is always by your side and so sweet. So, when I went out on a stoll through the doe pen, and she was in a corner, I knew it was time. To the kidding pen we went. I grabbed my laptop, sat for a spell and watched another easy delivery. Z30 is a 6.8# black buckling and Z31 is a 6.4# black doeling with a white crown and black ears like her mom. I never get tired watching the miracle of birth no matter what the species. Ask Wendell -- I love to watch baby delivery shows on cable :-) Well, Cindy didn't dissapoint me with her method of delivery, but afterward she wanted nothing to do with those critters that caused her so much pain. Not much of a mothering instinct. She wouldn't even lick them when I presented her with them. When they started standing and walking toward her, she would butt them away. Guess they can't all be good moms.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Say Cheese

Monday, April 20, 2009
Marsha, Marsha, Marsha

There aren't many things that can get me to leave a doe that I think will kid in the next few hours. But, the funeral of a dear friend was one of those things. I didn't want to leave Marsha. I KNEW that she would kid while I was gone. It didn't matter. Some things just are too important to miss and Art's funeral was very important. I had to be there for Age and Turtle. AND, it was a Catholic funeral so there was no hope that it would be quick. After saying our goodbyes at the funeral, we went straight home to do the afternoon feeding and check on Marsha before heading over to the Ortiz family home for a get together after the funeral. When we pulled up to the dairy I told Wendell to drive straight to the doe pen. There was a kid standing there looking at me! I jumped out of the car (still in my black dress) and ran to see. Sure enough, Marsha had kidded and there was Luna with two more giving licks and kisses to them. Triplet bucks! They were pretty dry but had not eaten. I rushed to the house with the kids and Wendell milked almost a half gallon of colostrum from Marsha's huge udder. After I gave molasses water to mom, everyone was weighed, fed, navels iodined, vitamin E and B12 supplements given and the kids put in a nice straw bed in the house, we headed back to spend time with the Ortiz family. What a day! We kept the boys inside for the night since they were quite weak, but they were out with "general population" in the kid pen the next morning.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Late Night Lorene

When I finished with Destiny and her kid I was exhausted. After all, on top of milking and feeding, I had 6 does kid in the past 3 days. Not to mention all of those midnight feedings. I hadn't been sleeping well because I kept wondering if someone was in labor so I would get up at random hours and go out to check. I told Wendell that Lorene was going to go any time and would he please deliver her so I could get some rest. He agreed and we put her in the LDR pen outside of my bedroom window. I went to bed and Wendell rubbed my feet. That is the last thing I remember until I heard him say from outside, "We have a head and a leg!" What that meant is that his big hand could not retrieve the leg from its bad position. I jumped up wearing only my nightgown, washed and had my arm inside Lorene within two minutes! It was simple for me since there was plenty of room for my small hand. Out came Z25, a 5.12# brown buckling followed by Z26, a backward 5 pound brown spotted doeling. I didn't get much sleep but I was so glad everything went well. When we finally did get back to bed I had no problem going back to sleep!
Destiny in the afternoon

I just love it when the does show classic signs of labor. This was the case with Destiny. I had not expected her anytime soon but she had different ideas. I noticed that Luna was following her around. Luna is crazy about birthing babies :-) The remnants of the birth are her reward. I know, ugh! But, she is the best goat midwife ever. I have been keeping an eye on Luna lately and if she is following one around, the time is near. So I put Destiny in the kidding pen and sat down with my laptop and watched. Slowly but surely, two legs and a nose appeared. Not much progress was being made so I stepped in and helped to pull a striking black and white 6.4 pound buckling, Z24. Destiny drank her molasses water eagerly. It was a warm day after all, then I milked her and she headed back to the rest of her friends. The kid is doing well.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Arvilla never gets a break

Arvilla started into labor about 5:00 in the morning. I thought I would go about my chores and keep a close eye on her. Well, a couple of hours later, all I was seeing was one foot. Not good. I scrubbed up and went in to feel what was going on. The kid had one leg down and his head and other leg were in the birth canal. This means he is stuck at the shoulders. I tried to push his head back enough to get my hand past the pelvis and pull up the other leg. I have to do this slowly especially since she is a first-freshener. I finally was able to retrieve the leg and after that a 6 pound 12 ounce buckling, Z22, slid out with ease. I was drying him off and looked back at Arvilla only to see that she had popped out a 6 pound 5 ounce doeling, Z23, without missing a beat. I quickly grabbed her up out of the goo and dried her off. All are doing well. Arvilla's udder has a lot to be desired, but if she can put it in the milk tank we will keep her around. So far, so good.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Classic Connie

Connie is one of our goats that is secure enough in herself that she really doesn't need people. She and her mom, Jerry, keep to themselves. They don't even associate with the other goats much unless it is to boss them around :-) I saw that Connie was definitely in labor. Put her in the LDR pen and watched. That is about all I had to do because she did everything textbook. Both kids were born in the classic diving position and came out strong and ready to eat. A big black 9.4# buckling, Z20, came first. He was followed right away by a 6.4# brown doeling, Z21, that looks just like her mom. Thanks, Connie for the daytime and EASY delivery. Now, if you would just be nicer in the barn! She is such a dancing and kicking brat!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Another Tax Day Delivery

Well, Charlotte wasn't far behind Bambi. She delivered Z18 - a 4.4# buckling and Z19 - a 4.0# doeling without any assistance. She made it look easy, but then again, they were very small kids. I thought she might have triplets since they were so small. I checked for another but no one was home. She just had two very small and very adorable babies. Charlotte is a dream in the barn. Does her job, enjoys her grain and really puts it in the milk bucket!
Bambi starts without me!

After the midnight feeding, I went for a stroll through the doe pen. This time Bambi's ligaments were totally gone. I knew it would be soon so I pulled her and put her in the close up pen. I checked on her when I got up at 6 am and she still looked the same so I went on about my chores looking in on her now and then. Well, she pushed half of a kid out before I could get around to my next check. It seemed that she had tired and just quit so I pulled the rest of 6 pound 12 ounce doeling Z16 into the world. She wasn't responding or breathing well so she and I did the twirl around and around while I held her by the back legs. Mucous came out and she started to breathe :-) Bambi got up and started mothering her. I didn't know if there was another to come so I gave her a few minutes. After she had been pushing with no progress, I decided it was time to go in and investigate. When I reached in all I felt was a tail. This kid was in full breech position. I pushed the bottom back in and looked for a leg or two. It took a while but I was able to get the legs in position and the kid came out with no problem. Well, there was a problem. Buckling Z17 was DOA. He had apparently drowned because of the difficult backward delivery. Mother and daughter though are doing well.
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